Birth Photography | Marshfield Medical Center |Marshfield, WI


Nov 18, 2020

4-22-19 Original Post Date

Blogging is a funny thing. Telling someone else’s birth story feels so personal. What makes me qualified to tell the story of another human being’s entry into this world? But, alas, how could you not tell the story of one of the most beautiful moments you’ve ever witnessed?

This beautiful family had three amazing girls with a little “bopli” on the way. They weren’t going to find out the gender until Bopli was born. Their daughters were beside themselves with excitement regardless of boy or girl! The surprise made this delivery even more exciting (if that’s even possible!).

My phone dinged at 9:30pm and I thought little of it. When I saw that it was Leah and her water had broken, I was tickled. I LOVE documenting births. I made sure they would call and wake me with enough time to run over and tucked myself in for what I thought would be a quick snooze. With my girls tucked away with some of the most amazing help I could ever ask for, I made my way to the hospital the next morning. As things were still progressing slowly, I had time to stay and enjoy the company of the soon-to-be-parents-of-four.

Leah is a Nurse Practitioner and her husband, Jason, is a detective. Even running on no sleep and in the hospital- these two were a calm, cool, collected team. Leah joked with the nurses and Jason kicked back. I have never seen a delivery room so calm, joyous, and stress free. It was a totally different experience!

From the phone messages and visitors, I could tell that Leah and Jason were loved by their entire families and coworkers. This little bopli was about to enter a family so full of love and joy!

The doctor on duty had delivered two of their three girls – and was about to deliver their fourth as well!

I had just stepped out for a minute and found a nurse waving me over to take my place – we went from slow and steady to done in a matter of minutes! This mama was a pro.

As Bopli entered the world, everyone was craning to see – is it a boy or a girl?!

It was clear right away – a healthy baby boy joining his three sisters. There was laughter and joy filling the room to welcome this precious baby boy. He was handed over to a happy mama who snuggled him through his first and only cry. This little boy was just as calm and content as his parents. No huge cries, just wide-open eyes exploring the brand-new world around him.

Mom was excited to build a new boy wardrobe and Dad couldn’t help telling everyone!

Calm, peaceful, and content – this little boy is already loved beyond measure. Join me in welcoming Jack Martin. 

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